Friday, December 19, 2008

The END!

I am trying to upload a few images for my final blog, but blogger is giving me problems with the upload. So with that I must say it was an adventure and I am glad it's over.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Process Visual

Since we are working on process - here is an example of process that is purely visual.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Privacy Issues

I was wondering how others felt about having their blogs so public. I bring this up, because I wanted to post my video - since it was the best grade I have gotten in the class so far, but with my blog being public anyone can view it. That worries me. My video is a bit personal and I can think of a few people I don't really want looking at my stuff. When I google my name, my blog comes up, so anyone can view it. I know you can set your blog to private, but when I tried to do it, I had to put in everyone's blog to keep them able to view it, too much work, I gave up. Any comments I would enjoy. This is an issue that concerns me.

Urbanite Ad

I created this ad that ran in the December issue of Urbanite. I thought it was a neat idea. The first ad appeared on one page and when you turned to the next page the second ad appeared.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Interesting Blogs

Saturday, December 13, 2008

What to do with a giant pumpkin.

For those who asked what you do with a giant pumpkin after you picked it - here is an interesting idea. check out -