Sunday, December 7, 2008

Show and Tell: Collection

I really hate collecting things. I believe less is best and constantly strive to clean up and throw out old things. I thought I would struggle for this show and tell then I remembered that in my basement is a whole collection of old cameras. I had collected cameras in the past and when I moved in April I packed them up and put them in my new basement and they are still sitting there. I don't even have closets in my house so I definetly don't have a place to display them, plus I stopped collecting them. Here are a few:



Caitlin said...

That's so awesome! I love looking at old cameras! I took a photography class on the history of photography. My dad has a really old camera and it's so neat how technology has changed with cameras over the years! I can't wait to see your collection next Saturday!

Thursday said...

What type of cameras do you have? I recognize the Minolta, but can't tell anything else.

h. van de mark said...

They look very cool! Without even knowing it, you have a very hipster cool kid collection.

Karin Dodge said...

I was a photography major in undergrad, that's when I started the collection. I have a few Brownies, a spy camera, and a bunch of others I don't know the names of unless I go look. I will bring in a variety to class.

Sam Ricks said...

Yeah, that's pretty much way cooler than any collection of anything I have. :)

Justin Codd said...

See! You do have a collection. I look forward to seeing them in class.

The Battle said...

These cameras are really interesting. I have always been intrigued by old cameras. You might want to hold on to them. They may be worth some money.

Jaye said...

WOW! They are cool. I've never seen any old cameras in real life. I wish I hadn't missed class this past Saturday!

Tina said...

I almost have the same collection. Ive got a few rubbermaid containers full of antique cameras that were passed down to me. I want to use them personally since I used to be a Photographer and finding the film is not easy. Got a couple Brownies, light finder, etc.